What is the difference between CORvalen and CorvalenM? Both products recommend 5 grams per serving, and both have the same number of servings of D-ribose the principal active ingredient. In addition, CorvalenM contains magnesium and malate, both shown to improve muscle metabolism and relaxation.
How do I know which is best for me? As a general rule, CORvalen is recommended for heart patients and athletic applications. CorvalenM is used more for muscle aches, pain, soreness, and stiffness. But there are many exceptions with each. Ask yourself, Does my diet need additional magnesium? Magnesium is important for over 200 chemical reactions in the body. Some say the American diet contains less and less natural magnesium because more of our food is processed and we drink more bottled water and beverages than a couple of generations ago.
Conversely, too much magnesium leads to loose stools and diarrhea. You can pick up magnesium from several sources vitamin pills and other supplements.
What are the ingredients for each product? CORvalen is 100% D-ribose. Each serving contains 5g of D-ribose. CORvalen M contains D-ribose, malate and magnesium. For each serving of CORvalen M, there is 5g D-ribose, 240mg Malate (or malic acid) and 800mg magnesium gluconate (the same as 40mg elemental magnesium). CORvalen Chewable Wafers each contain 1.67 grams D-ribose. Other ingredients include inulin, cocoa bean powder, mannitol, modified cellulose, safflower oil, coconut powder, stearic acid, silicon dioxide and natural flavors.
What is ribose? D-Ribose is a simple, 5-carbon monosaccharide, or pentose sugar. It is used by all the cells of the body and is an essential compound in energy metabolism. Ribose is also the carbohydrate backbone of genetic material, DNA and RNA, certain vitamins and other important cellular compounds.
Who needs CORvalen? Ribose is an essential ingredient in stimulating natural energy production. Research has shown that ribose promotes cardiovascular health, reduces cardiac stress associated with strenuous activity and helps athletes extend their exercise tolerance and accelerates recovery. Ribose helps hearts and muscles maximize energy recovery. Whether you are a trained athlete, a weekend warrior or are concerned about your cardiovascular health, ribose may help give the energy boost your body needs.
How is ribose made in the body? Most compounds necessary for life are made in the body through a series of complicated pathways. Ribose is no different. In the body, ribose is made from glucose (a simple 6-carbon sugar) through a pathway called the Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP). Eventually, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is produced. ATP is the primary energy molecule in your body’s cells. Though your body makes ribose and ATP naturally, it produces it slowly. As a result, your heart and muscle tissues use their energy faster than they can restore it and the energy pools become depleted.
How does the body derive cellular energy from ribose? The physiologically functional form of ribose, called 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP), regulates the metabolic pathway that synthesizes energy compounds in all living tissue. If this compound is not available in sufficient quantity, energy synthesis slows.
How does taking supplemental CORvalen aid in increasing cellular energy? If the cellular energy pool is depleted by disease or exercise, it must be replaced. PRPP is required to turn on the metabolic pathway used by the body to replenish these energy pools. Supplemental ribose bypasses the slow and rate-limiting enzymes in the Pentose Phosphate Pathway, forms PRPP, and quickly begins the process of energy synthesis.
What will CORvalen do for someone concerned about cardiovascular health? Numerous medical studies have shown that energy levels in the heart can be dramatically lowered by exercise or decreased blood flow associated with certain cardiac diseases. Depleted cardiac energy pools may be associated with increased cardiac stress, altered cardiac function, fatigue and decreased exercise tolerance. Ribose is the key nutrient for quickly restoring cardiac energy stores.
What is the recommended daily dosage of CORvalen? Usual dosage: 5g serving twice daily, taken with meals. A third serving may be added with a midday meal as needed.
Alternative dosage: 5g just before and just after exercise or physical activity.
Serving measurement: 5g of CORvalen powder is a rounded teaspoonful. A single dose measuring scoop is provided with each jar.
CORvalen may be dissolved in 2 oz. or more of juice, tea, or coffee or sprinkled over foods of choice (such as hot oatmeal, yogurt, cold cereal). CorvalenM has a more citrus flavor so it is best in juice, water or yogurt. CORvalen and CorvalenM should NOT be mixed into carbonated beverages.
To maximize athletic performance, or to keep energy pools high during strenuous activity, slightly larger doses may be required. CORvalen (D-ribose) should be taken just before and just after exercise or activity. For extended exercise, an additional 1 to 2 grams per hour of exercise or activity may be helpful.
When can I expect to feel results/benefits from taking CORvalen? Individual response varies widely, but relief from fatigue is often felt within the first 10 days of consistent use.
What can I mix with CORvalen? CORvalen may be mixed with water, juice, coffee, tea or sprinkled on cereal or fruit. It has a mild pleasant sweet taste and is very flexible.
Are there any side effects associated with taking ribose? CORvalen may lower blood sugar for 60 to 90 minutes after ingestion. This may cause one to feel very hungry or lightheaded. This can be avoided by taking with meals or with some form of a carbohydrate such as a juice.
What will ribose do for someone who exercises on a regular basis? Scientific research shows that three or four workouts per week may not allow enough rest time between sessions for heart and muscle energy pools to return to normal levels. Taking CORvalen (D-ribose) shortens the time needed by heart and muscle tissue to replace energy that is lost through vigorous exercise. Keeping energy pools full helps to keep hearts and muscles in good physiological condition, increase power and endurance, and reduce fatigue. Recent research has also shown that ribose supplementation during exercise manages free radical formation and lowers cardiac stress associated with hypoxia.
Does CORvalen conflict with any medications? There are no known interactions with drugs or other supplements.
Does ribose work with creatine or other supplements? Ribose can increase the effect of creatine and other energy supplements by keeping the energy pool at full capacity. Creatine works by recycling energy that is already present in the tissue. Another supplement, carnitine, aids in fatty acid metabolism. A third, pyruvate, also helps to recycle energy. Only ribose performs this important metabolic function. Without adequate levels of energy to work with, no other supplement can be fully effective.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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