Ribose (Corvalen) - An Exciting New Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
Can you really treat chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia with sugar?
Corvalen (D-Ribose) Valen Labs) is an outstanding new nutrient (a special sugar-even OK for those who need to avoid sugar!) for those of you who want a powerful energy boost! In addition to its role in making DNA and RNA, those of you familiar with biochemistry remember Ribose as the key building block for making energy. In fact, the main energy molecules (like “Energy dollars”) in your body (ATP, FADH, etc.) are made of ribose plus B vitamins/phosphate. That makes these energy molecules similar to the paper that money is printed on- kind of like being able to print your own energy currency!
Corvalen has many uses, including treating heart muscle weakness (Congestive Heart Failure). We were so impressed with this product that our research center we recently completed a research study reported on in the national news services using it in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Two thirds of these desperately ill patients improved, with an average increase in quality of life of ~30 improvement in energy. This is very dramatic for a single treatment/nutrient! In our study, pain, sleep, and “brain fog’ also improved.
The next study we hope to do will be a “Gold –standard” placebo controlled study on Ribose/Corvalen in CFS/FMS to follow up our initial pilot study. If you would like to be part of the study e-mail lgleason@bioenergy.com. You might want to let us know soon-our last study filled within 24 hours of our announcing it in our newsletter!
D-Ribose - Jump-Starting Your Body's Energy Furnaces
Before we begin the SHINE protocol, however, let's jump-start our energy and set ourselves up for success.
As we will discuss throughout this book, CFS and fibromyalgia reflect an energy crisis in your body. Although it can have numerous causes, the energy crisis will then trigger a host of downstream effects, including hypothalamic dysfunction ("blowing a fuse") which causes multiple other problems including, muscle pain, insomnia, hormonal deficiencies, infections, poor liver detoxification, decreased heart function, and more. Although going after these many triggers and problems is very important, it is also critical to also go to the heart of the problem and treat your body's "energy furnaces". Because of this, we will begin our discussion of treatments with those that directly increase energy production.
Each cell in your body contains structures called mitochondria. The mitochondria are the tiny furnaces in each cell that produce energy by burning calories. Many problems, including Epstein Barr viral infections, can suppress your energy furnaces.3 In this chapter, I will discuss treatments that can help your mitochondrial furnaces work properly, and explain how you can use this information to feel better.
The role of energy production
We simply can't overcome fatigue if the cells and tissues in our bodies don't have enough energy. Medical research shows there are many conditions that drain energy from the body, leaving us fatigued and with frequent complications such as muscle pain, heart problems, and even depression.
Of course athletes who participate in high-intensity, endurance type exercise often face the fatigue and muscle pain associated with energy depletion. Typically, a few days of rest will allow an athlete's muscles to recharge with energy. For the rest of us, however, the physiological factors that drain hearts and muscles of energy are not as easily overcome. It is amazing how a special simple sugar, called D-ribose, can help the body restore energy, giving hearts and muscles the power they need to fully recharge, so they can recover from fatigue and chronic muscle pain.
As we age, our bodies go through many changes that affect our ability to efficiently metabolize energy. For some, these changes occur more rapidly and are more pronounced, while for others the impact is seemingly absent. People with fibromyalgia and CFS have almost 20 percent less energy in their muscles than normal, and this lack of energy causes poor exercise tolerance and lack of endurance-making it hard to perform even the most basic of life's daily activities.4,5
The metabolic changes that occur in our bodies over time or with the onset of disease are varied. Many are found to have thickening of the walls of capillaries that feed blood to muscles. These thickened capillary walls make it harder for oxygen to move from the blood to the muscle tissue, reducing the oxygen tension of the muscle and slowing the rate of energy synthesis. 6,7
In others, the mitochondrial energy furnaces are found to be defective and cannot keep up with the energy demand of cells and tissues as they work through daily activities. 8-10 Still for others, cells and tissues are deficient in certain nutrients that are needed to process food into energy, leaving the tissues energy starved. 11-13 And in the most difficult conditions, the muscle itself is affected, leaking vital cellular constituents that include energy compounds and the fuels needed to restore energy levels in affected tissues.14
No matter the cause, the impact of energy depletion is to propel a downward spiral of fatigue, muscle pain, soreness and stiffness that will not stop until the energy in the affected tissue can be restored. As energy is used faster than it can be restored, muscles become more painful, stiff, and fatigued. This causes even more energy to be used as the muscle struggles to recover, causing even more fatigue, soreness and stiffness,15-17 and the cycle continues. If the conditions leading to energy depletion are not arrested in time, the fatigue can become overwhelming and debilitating-as occurs in CFS/FMS.
The Consequences of Mitochondrial Dysfunction
A large number of clinical findings common in CFS/FMS can be explained by mitochondrial furnace malfunction Hypothalamic suppression. Particularly severe changes in the hypothalamus have been seen in mitochondrial dysfunction syndromes.18 Brain fog. Mitochondrial dysfunction can cause decreases in levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, specifically low dopamine and acetylcholine, and possibly low serotonin.
Sensitivities and allergies. Decreased ability of the liver to eliminate toxins and medications could contribute to sensitivities to both medications and environmental factors.
Post-exertion fatigue. Low energy production and accumulation of excessive amounts of lactic acid in muscles would inhibit recovery after exercise.
• Poor digestion. Mitochondrial dysfunction would also cause related to the bowel problems that plague so many people with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.
Weak immune system. With problems in the mitochondria, you would expect to see poor white blood cell function and therefore a decreased ability to fight infection.
Heart dysfunction. Based on research by Dr. Paul Cheney, mitochondrial dysfunction may weaken the heart muscle, requiring increased anti-oxidant levels through supplementation.
Kidney function. Poor kidney function resulting from mitochondrial dysfunction may cause a defect in the filtration and detoxification process.
Thus, mitochondrial dysfunction might well be the root cause of-or at least a contributing factor to-the hypothalamic, immune, neurotransmitter, nutritional, detoxification, sleep and other disorders seen in CFS/FMS.
Improving Mitochondrial Function
If mitochondrial dysfunction is an underlying or contributing cause to CFS/FMS, the next question is whether anything can be done to make those cellular energy furnaces work better. A number of natural treatments are available to do just that. Let us now look at some of the treatments that can improve mitochondrial energy production. Let's begin with D-Ribose, the key to energy production.
D-Ribose-The Natural Body Energizer
In looking at energy production, it helps to look at the "energy molecules" such as ATP, NADH, and FADH. These represent the energy currency in your body, and are like the paper that money is printed on. You can have all the fuel you want, but if it cannot be converted to these molecules, it is useless!
For years, I talked about the importance of B vitamins, which are a key component of these molecules. These helped to a degree, but it was clear that a key component was missing. In looking at the biochemistry of these energy molecules, they are also made of 2 other key components-adenine and ribose. Adenine is plentiful in the body and supplementing with adenine did not help CFS. We then turned our attention to Ribose. Ribose is made in your body in a slow, laborious process and cannot be found in food. We knew that CFS/FMS causes your body to dump other key energy molecules like acetyl-l-carnitine. We then found that the body did the same with Ribose, making it hard to get your furnaces working again even after the other problems were treated.
This was like one of those "Eureka!" moments where things came together. Not having Ribose would be like trying to build a fire without kindling-nothing would happen. We wondered if giving Ribose to people with CFS would jump-start their energy furnaces. The answer was a resounding yes!
Our recently published study (see the study abstract in Appendix B) showed an average 44.7- remarkable results from a single nutrient! 19 The only significant side effects were that 2 people felt too energized and hyper/anxious on the ribose. This is simply dealt with by lowering the dose and/or taking it with food.
Several of the patients participating in the study have contacted me regarding the relief they found with ribose therapy. Most importantly, they speak to the profound joy they feel when they are able to begin living normal, active lives after sometimes years of fatigue, pain, and suffering. Here is a sample of what one patient, Julie (Minnesota), an elementary teacher, wrote: "I had so much pain and fatigue I thought I was going to have to quit teaching. When I take [ribose], I feel like a huge weight is being lifted from my chest, and I'm ready to take on those kids again!" The relief patients feel with ribose therapy is heartwarming, and goes directly to the dramatic impact ribose has on increasing energy, overcoming fatigue, enhancing exercise tolerance, and raising the patient's quality of life.
To further validate these findings, we are currently conducting a much larger placebo controlled study, and hope to have the results published in the coming year. Interestingly, one of our study patients had an abnormal heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation. Ribose is outstanding in the treatment of heart disease as well, because it restores energy production in the heart muscle. Because of this, it was not surprising that this man's atrial fibrillation also went away on the ribose and he was able to stop his heart medications as well! Because of its importance and the research showing marked heart muscle dysfunction (because of low energy) in CFS, let's look at
Ribose and the heart in more detail.
Ribose and the Fatigue Associated with Heart Disease
Decades of research have shown that ribose has a profound effect on heart function in patients with congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and cardiomyopathy (a weakened heart muscle). Like the muscles in patients with fibromyalgia, sick hearts are energy starved.24 This energy deprivation keeps the heart from relaxing between heartbeats, making it impossible for the heart to completely fill with blood 25 (it surprisingly takes more energy for the heart muscle to relax than contract). Because the heart does not fill completely, less blood is pumped to the body with each heartbeat. The heart then gets stiff and it strains to contract. Ultimately, the heart becomes enlarged, a condition known as hypertrophy, and it is unable to pump normally.
You can compare this to the effect of weight training on the muscles in the bicep of the upper arm. Over time, weight training against more and more weight makes the muscle larger and harder. Similarly, when the heart becomes stiff it is forced to contract against more and more pressure, making the heart muscle grow. While in the case of the bicep this may be a desirable outcome, in the heart it can be deadly. In contrast to the biceps muscle, hearts must remain supple so they can fill properly and empty fully with each contraction. If hearts cannot pump normal volumes of blood, muscles of the arms and legs and brain tissue become oxygen starved. The result is fatigue, pain on standing or walking, loss of interest in, or the ability to perform any physical activity, brain fog, and depression. In the end, the heart cannot pump enough blood to even supply itself with live-giving oxygen and a heart attack can be the result.
Using ribose to restore the energy level in the heart allows it to fully relax, fill, and empty completely to circulate blood to the outer reaches of the body.26 Circulating more blood means muscles in the arms and legs, and the tissues of the brain, get the oxygen they need to function normally. This result was made evident in several important studies in patients with congestive heart failure and angina.
In one study conducted at the University of Bonn in Germany, patients with congestive heart failure were treated with either 10-grams of ribose or a sugar placebo every day for three weeks.27 They were then tested for heart function, exercise tolerance (a measure of fatigue), and quality of life using a questionnaire designed for this purpose. In this study, ribose therapy had a significant effect on all measures of diastolic heart function, showing that increased energy in the heart allowed the heart to relax, fill, and pump more normally. Patients in the study were also much more tolerant to exercise when they were on ribose, and, through their responses to the questionnaire, showed they had a higher quality of life as a result.
Two additional studies went on to help explain how ribose therapy in congestive heart failure may affect fatigue and exercise tolerance.28,29 These studies showed that ribose treatment increased ventilatory and oxygen utilization efficiency, a medical way of saying that the patients were able to breathe better and use the oxygen they inhaled more efficiently. Improving the patient's ability to use oxygen means more oxygen is available to go into the blood and out to the tissues. Having more oxygen available allows the muscle to burn fuel more efficiently, helping it keep pace with its energy demand. The result is less fatigue, a greater ability to tolerate exercise, and a higher quality of life. An added benefit to improving ventilatory efficiency is that ventilatory efficiency is a dominant predictor of mortality in congestive heart failure. Increasing ventilatory efficiency with ribose therapy is, therefore, a direct correlate to prolonging life in this patient population.
There are very few nutritional therapies that can legitimately boast of having this profound of an effect on the tissues they target. None, other than ribose, can claim such an effect in cell or tissue energy metabolism. Ribose is a unique and powerful addition to our complement of metabolic therapies in that it is completely safe, proven by strong, well designed clinical and scientific evidence, natural, and fundamental to a vital metabolic process in the body.30-34 I have added a few more study references for those who would like more information about ribose. 35-56
Ribose regulates how much energy we have in our bodies, and for those suffering from fatigue, muscle soreness, stiffness, and a host of related medical complications, the relief found in energy restoration can be life changing. This is why I recommend that all CFS/FMS patients begin with D-Ribose 5 grams (1 scoop of Corvalen) 3 x day for 2-3 weeks then twice a day. It is critical to take the 3 scoops a day for the first few weeks to see the optimal effects. Although many of the treatments in this book take 6-12 weeks to start working, most people feel the difference by the end of a single 280 gm container. For the few who don't, retry it again once you are 12-16 weeks into the other treatments well discuss. You'll be glad you did!
Although Ribose is the most promising energy nutrient, others are also worth looking at as well. Most of these only need to be taken for 4-9 months; though some people choose to take them longer (I take my Ribose every day even though I feel great. It makes me feel even better!). You will know by how you feel on them.
Click here to listen to a lecture on D-Ribose by Dr. Teitelbaum.
These other energy boosters are discussed at length in the "web site notes" section and include:
1. Teitelbaum JE, Bird B, "Effective Treatment of Severe Chronic Fatigue: A Report of a Series of 64 Patients," Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 3 (4) (1995): 91-110.
2. Teitelbaum JE, Bird B, "Effective Treatment of Severe Chronic Fatigue: A Report of a Series of 64 Patients," Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 3 (4) (1995): 91-110.
3-Vernon DC, et al. Preliminary evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction associated with post-infective fatigue after acute infection with Epstein Barr Virus. BMC Infectious Diseases/ 2006, 6; 15 doi:10.1186/1471-2334-6-15, 31 January 2006.http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/6/15/abstract
4-Eisinger J, A Plantamura, T Ayavou. Glycolysis abnormalities in fibromyalgia. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 1994;13(2):144-148.
5.Bengtsson A, KG Henriksson. The muscle in fibromyalgia - a review of Swedish studies. Journal of Rheumatology Supplement 1989;19:144-149.
6. Lund N, A Bengtsson, P Thorborg. Muscle tissue oxygen in primary fibromyalgia. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 1986;15(2):165-173.
7-Strobl ES, M Krapf, M Suckfull, W Bruckle, W Fleckenstein, W Muller. Tissue oxygen measurement and 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with muscle tension and fibromyalgia. Rheumatology International 1997;16(5):175-180.
8.Douche-Aourik F, W Berlier, L Feasson, T Bourlet, R Harrath, S Omar, F Grattard, C Denis, B Pozzetto. Detection of enterovirus in human muscle from patients with chronic inflammatory muscle disease or fibromyalgia and healthy subjects. Journal of Medical Virology 2003;71(4):540-547.
9. Park JH, P Phothimat, CT Oates, M Hernanz-Schulman, NJ Olson. Use of P-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy to detect metabolic abnormalities in muscles of patients with fibromyalgia. Arthritis and Rheumatology 1998;41(3):406-413.
10.Kushmerick MJ. Muscle energy metabolism, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and their potential in the study of fibromyalgia. Journal of Rheumatology Supplement 1989;19:40-46.
11. Bengtson A, KG Heriksson, J Larsson. Reduced high-energy phosphate levels in the painful muscles of patients with primary fibromyalgia. Arthritis and Rheumatology 1986;29(7):817-821.
12. Lund E, SA Kendall, B Janerot-Sjoberg, A Bengtsson. Muscle metabolism in fibromyalgia studied by P-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy during aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 2003; 32(3):138-145.
13. Eisinger J, D Bagneres, P Arroyo, A Plantamura, T Ayavou. Effects of magnesium, high-energy phosphates, piracetam and thiamin on erythrocyte transketolase. Magnetic Research 1994;7(1):59-61.
14. Jacobsen S, KE Jensen, C Thomsen, B Danneskiold-Samsoe, O Henriksen. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in fibromyalgia. A study of phosphate-31 spectra from skeletal muscles during rest and after exercise. Ugeskr Laeger 1994;156(46):6841-6844.
15. Olson NJ, JH Park. Skeletal muscle abnormalities in patients with fibromyalgia. American Journal of Medical Science 1998;315(6):351-358.
16. Henriksson KG. Muscle pain in neuromuscular disorders and primary fibromyalgia. Neurologija 1989;38(3):213-221.
17. Krapf MW, S Muller, P Mennet, T Stratz, W Samborski, W Muller. Recording muscle spasms in the erector spinae using in vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with chronic lumbalgia and generalized tendomyopathies. Z Rheumatology 1992;51(5):229-237.
18. P.O. Behan, "Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome Research," in The Clinical and Scientific Basis of Myalgic Encephalitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ed. Byron Hyde, Jay Goldstein, and Paul Levine (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Nightingale Research Foundation, 1992), p. 238.
19. Teitelbaum JE, JA St.Cyr, C Johnson. The use of D-ribose in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia: a pilot study. J Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2006;12(9):857-862.
20. Hellsten Y, Skadgauge L, Bangsbo J. Effect of ribose supplementation on resynthesis of adenine nucleotides after intense intermittent training in humans. American Journal of Physiology 2004; 286(1): R182-R188.
21. Tullson PC, Terjung RL. Adenine nucleotide synthesis in exercising and endurance-trained skeletal muscle. American Journal of Physiology 1991; 261: C342-C347.
22. Brault JJ, Terjung RL. Purine salvage to adenine nucleotides in different skeletal muscle fiber types. Journal of Applied Physiology 2001; 91: 231-238.
23. Gebhart B, JA Jorgenson. Benefit of ribose in a patient with fibromyalgia. Pharmacotherapy 2004;24(11):1146-1648
24. 22. Ingwall JS. ATP and the Heart. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts.
25. Reibel D, Rovetto M. Myocardial ATP Synthesis and Mechanical Function Following Oxygen Deficiency. American Journal of Physiology 1978; 234(5): H620-H624.
26. Zimmer HG, Ibel H, Suchner U. Ribose Intervention in the Cardiac Pentose Phosphate Pathway is Not Species-Specific. Science 1984; 223: 712-714.
27. Omran H, S Illien, D MacCarter, JA St. Cyr, B Luderitz. D-Ribose improves diastolic function and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: A prospective feasibility study. European Journal of Heart Failure 2003; 5:615-619.
28. Vijay N, D MacCarter, M Washam, J St.Cyr. Ventilatory efficiency improves with d-ribose in congestive Heart Failure patients. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2005;38(5):820.
29. Carter O, D MacCarter, S Mannebach, J Biskupiak, G Stoddard, EM Gilbert, MA Munger. D-Ribose improves peak exercise capacity and ventilatory efficiency in heart failure patients. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2005;45(3 Suppl A):185A.
30. Griffiths JC, JF Borzelleca, J St.Cyr. Lack of oral embryo toxicity/ teratogenicity with D-ribose in Wistar rats. Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology 2007;45(3):388-395.
31. Griffiths JC, JF Borzelleca, J St. Cyr. Sub-chronic (13-week) oral toxicity study with D-ribose in Wistar rats. Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology 2007:45(1):144-152.
32. Gross M, Dormann B, Zollner N. Ribose administration during exercise: effects on substrates and products of energy metabolism in healthy subjects and a patient with myoadenylate deaminase deficiency. Klin Wochenschr 1991; 69: 151-155.
33. Wagner DR, Gresser U, Zollner N. Effects of oral ribose on muscle metabolism during bicycle ergometer in AMPD-deficient patients. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 1991; 35: 297-302.
34. Gross M, S Reiter, N Zollner. Metabolism of D-ribose administered to healthy persons and to patients with myoadenylate deaminase deficiency. Klin Wochenschr 1989; 67: 1205-1213.
35. Guymer EK, KJ Clauw. Treatment of fatigue in fibromyalgia. Rheum Dis Clin North Am 2002;28(2):67-78.
36. Rooks DS, CB Silverman, FG Kantrowitz. The effects of progressive strength training and aerobic exercise on muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness in women with fibromyalgia: a pilot study. Arthritis Rheum 2002;47(1):22-28.
37. Geenen R, JW Jacobs, JW Bijlsma. Evaluation and management of endocrine dysfunction in fibromyalgia. Rheum Dis Clin North Am 2002;28(2):389-404.
38. Schachter CL, AJ Busch, PM Peloso, MS Shepard. Effects of short versus long bouts of aerobic exercise in sedentary women with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther 2003;83(4):340-358.
39. Williamson DL, PM Gallagher, MP Goddard, SW Trappe. Effects of ribose supplementation on adenine nucleotide concentration in skeletal muscle following high-intensity exercise. Med Sci Sport Exc 2001; 33(5 suppl).
40. Zollner N, Reiter S, Gross M, Pongratz D, Reimers CD, Gerbitz K, Paetzke I, Deufel T, Hubner G. Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency: successful symptomatic therapy by high dose oral administration of ribose. Klin Wochenschr 1986; 64: 1281-1290.
41. Patton BM. Beneficial effect of D-ribose in patients with myoadenylate deaminase deficiency. Lancet May 1982; 1701.
42. Salerno C, D'Eufermia P, Finocchiaro R, Celli M, Spalice A, Crifo C, Giardini O. Effect of D-ribose on purine synthesis and neurological symptoms in a patient with adenylsuccinase deficiency. Biochim Biophys Acta 1999; 1453: 135-140.
43. Salerno C, M Celli, R Finocchiaro, P D'Eufemia, P Iannetti, C Crifo, O Giardini. Effect of D-ribose administration to a patient with inherited defect of adenylosuccinase. Purine Metabolism in Man IX. Plenum Press, New York, 1998.
44. Pauly D, C Pepine. D-Ribose as a supplement for cardiac energy metabolism. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 2000;5(4):249-258.
45. Pauly D, C Johnson, JA St. Cyr. The benefits of ribose in cardiovascular disease. Med Hypoth 2003;60(2):149-151.
46. Pauly DF, CJ Pepine. Ischemic heart disease: Metabolic approaches to management. Clin Cardiol 2004;27(8):439-441.
47. Dodd SL, CA Johnson, K Fernholz, JA St.Cyr. The role of ribose in human skeletal muscle metabolism. Med Hypoth 2004;62(5):819-824.
48. Zarzeczny R, JJ Brault, KA Abraham, CR Hancock, RL Terjung. Influence of ribose on adenine salvage after intense muscle contractions. J Appl Physiol 2001;91:1775-1781.
49. Wallen JW, MP Belanger, C Wittnich. Preischemic administration of ribose to delay the onset of irreversible ischemic injury and improve function: studies in normal and hypertrophied hearts. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2003;81:40-47.
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52. Sharma R, M Munger, S Litwin, O Vardeny, D MacCarter, JA St. Cyr. D-Ribose improves Doppler TEI myocardial performance index and maximal exercise capacity in stage C heart failure. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2005;38(5):853.
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